September 25, 2024

Nurturing Healthy Bodies and Minds

October at Head2Toe is a standout month—it’s when we celebrate our Fall Wellness Month, dedicated to proactive, personalized healthcare for your family. Unlike most pediatric clinics that conduct annual check-ups for children aged three and older, we believe in a more frequent approach. We schedule wellness checks twice a year for every child, and even more often for our youngest patients, ensuring our care is both tailored and comprehensive.

Our biannual physicals are strategically timed for May and October. The May physicals help prepare your children for the summer activities and the upcoming school year, ensuring they are healthy and ready to engage in both play and learning. Then, our October checks are designed to prepare families for the winter months, focusing on bolstering defenses against the cold and flu season.

As we gear up for this exciting month, I thought it would be the perfect chance to use this blog post to give you an insight into our comprehensive wellness approach and share some helpful tips!


Nutrition often occupies a large portion of our wellness visits, as it can be a challenging area for many families. Whether you're dealing with picky eaters, ever-changing preferences, food throwing, or distraction during meals, it's understandably stressful. I always remind parents that while there's not much young children can control, they can control what they eat. This independence is crucial for them but can be frustrating for parents, especially when expectations aren't met.

For families who feel they've got a good handle on nutrition, we can look to enrich the experience by expanding tastes, enhancing nutritional value, and suggesting favorite products or fun activities like crafting a charcuterie night or cutting food into playful shapes.

While recommendations may differ from one family to another, here are some universal tips that I've personally observed making a positive impact:

  1. Family Meals: Sharing meals as a family has countless benefits, from fostering healthier habits to enhancing the psychological well-being of children and teens. I understand that aligning everyone's schedules can be tough, with work commitments and children's activities often clashing, but if you're thinking about making a significant change, I strongly recommend making this one a priority.
  2. One Meal for All: Preparing the same meal for the whole family not only simplifies cooking but also encourages varied eating habits. I always include at least one dish I know the kids will definitely eat.
  3. Offer Choices, Not Pressure: Keep serving a mix of foods and let your child decide what to finish—no pressure to clean the plate. That said, it’s perfectly okay to have strategies in place. For instance, you might serve carbs last if your child tends to fill up on them, or cut out post-dinner snacks to avoid the old 'save-room-for-snacks' trick. Stick with it consistently, and don’t be shocked if one day those once-snubbed green beans become the new favorite—yep, it just happened in our home!
  4. Simple Nutritional Boosts: Easily enhance the nutrition of daily meals by stirring hemp seeds, chia seeds, or nuts into basics like yogurt and oatmeal. Another favorite trick of mine is sprinkling nutritional yeast into mac and cheese!
  5. Hide the Veggies: If veggies are a hard sell, try blending them into sauces or batters—like adding pumpkin puree to pasta sauce or pancake mix.

And remember, as parents, your role is to provide a diverse and balanced diet, not to force your child to eat. Eating is one area where kids feel in control, and they will exercise this power! Embrace the ever-changing dynamic, focus on their dietary intake over the week rather than daily, and avoid the trap of giving in just so they "eat something."

Bowel Habits

Here's a little secret: Kids absolutely love talking about poop—and they find it hilarious! While some parents might feel a bit embarrassed when the topic comes up, I find these conversations incredibly important for health reasons. Gut health is a vital aspect of overall health, significantly influencing the immune system, digestion, and even mental health. That's why I'm always eager to learn everything about a child's bowel movements—how often, what they look like, whether there's any straining, and even the color.

So, how often should a child be pooping? While this can vary based on individual discussions with each family, I generally encourage aiming for a daily bowel movement that's soft and pain-free. Adequate hydration is crucial here; not being properly hydrated is the most common issue I see affecting bowel habits, even when parents believe their child is drinking enough. If your child isn't pooping daily, try increasing their water intake. And if you have any doubts, it's a good idea to discuss this with your pediatrician, as the right consistency and frequency of bowel movements can be very specific to each child.

Other factors to consider are incorporating probiotics and prebiotics into the diet. Probiotics, found in fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi, and prebiotics, found in foods like bananas, onions, garlic, leeks, asparagus, and whole grains, can greatly support gut health. Additionally, minimizing unnecessary antibiotic use, which can disrupt gut flora, is essential. This is another reason why I'm a big proponent of biannual wellness visits—they can help reduce illnesses and the need for antibiotics by catching potential health issues early, promoting effective preventive care, and allowing for timely interventions.


Sleep often doesn’t get the attention it deserves, but it's crucial for children's health, and I always make it a point to delve into your child's sleep habits during our visits. Understanding the quality and quantity of sleep they get, including naps, nighttime awakenings, snoring, sleepwalking, night terrors, or bedwetting, especially if they're already potty trained, is vital. These elements are deeply interconnected with various aspects of health and well-being.

Research consistently shows the profound impact that adequate sleep has on children. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, not getting enough sleep can affect everything from a child's emotional regulation and cognitive performance to their physical health. For example, studies have linked poor or insufficient sleep with lower academic performance, higher obesity rates, and a greater susceptibility to illnesses due to a weakened immune system. Additionally, sleep disorders or disruptions in children can lead to behavior problems and learning difficulties. Sleep is also essential for growth, as the growth hormone is primarily secreted during deep sleep.

That’s why it’s so important to not only ensure your child is sleeping enough hours but also to look at the quality of that sleep. Snoring, for example, can be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea, which can significantly impact a child's rest and, by extension, their health. Frequent awakenings and night terrors can indicate stress or anxiety or even underlying health issues that need to be addressed.

By thoroughly discussing and monitoring these aspects, we can better understand potential health concerns or developmental issues and intervene early. Regular wellness visits help in tracking these patterns over time, adjusting routines, and making necessary medical interventions to promote better sleep and overall health.

Besides the topics mentioned, we also discuss familiar subjects like exercise, developmental milestones, growth, and preventive measures such as vaccinations. My goal isn't to overwhelm you with an overly lengthy blog; instead, I want to offer you a glimpse into the unique approach we take here at Head2Toe.

Moreover, when we dive into these discussions, my aim isn’t to heap more onto your already full parenting plate. I genuinely want to understand the routines and aspirations you've set for your family. My role is to help you make small, manageable tweaks that naturally fit into your daily life, making health maintenance not just another task, but a seamless part of your routine.

This personalized, incremental approach to wellness is crucial because consistency is key in long-term health management. By integrating slight, meaningful changes, we aim to enhance your child’s overall well-being in a way that feels supportive and manageable, without disrupting the harmony of your family life. Each wellness visit is an opportunity for us to fine-tune our approach, ensuring it evolves with your child’s needs and your family’s rhythm, keeping everyone on a path toward sustained health and happiness.

Looking forward to seeing all your smiling faces and making this October a robust start to a healthy winter!

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